Miyazaki Reina (宮崎れいな)

Member from:
8/4/2009 to 2011/12/26 (Quit show business)

Birthday: 8/24/1997
Blood Type: O
Height (as of 2011/12/26): 152 cm
Hobbies: Music appreciation
Skill: Dance
Has a dog named Coron

Various Q&A

Q: What are you favorite songs by Momoiro Clover?
A: "Ikuze! Kaito Shoujo" and "Hashire!"

Q: What food are you eating a lot lately?
A: Mintia. I eat it with the other Ebichu members

Q: What do you do before you sleep?
A: Brush my teeth...obviously. (haha)

Q: Who is the senpai that you look up to?
A:  Momota Kanako. Ekubo love! (haha)

Q: What is your dream for the future?
A: Become a model

Q: What are your favorite songs?
A: All of Momoclo's songs

Q: Who is your favorite comedian?
A: Town town-san
Q: What changed when you went to middle school?
A: The homework, of course! 
    The placement tests are different from elementary school.

Q: Who are your favorite characters?
A: YumYums and Carebears 

Q: Who is your favorite celebrity that is also named Reina?
A: Fujie Reina from AKB48

Q: How long have you been wearing contacts?
A: Since 3rd grade 

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