Thanks for coming to Inzai yesterday
It was raining and getting everyone wet,
Aren't you worn out from the coldness!?
Today, Mirei
Went to class and
At noon we had recording
and at night we had performance lessons
It was a full day,
It was fun!(*>ω<*)
Yesterday, for Reina's birthday celebration,
"Shoujo A" was so cool!
Her bright red dress
Was really flattering, too
I want to see the bright red flower that has bloomed into Ebichu-
But we are leaders all the same. We are the Ribon Girls!
So, this is a little early but
Yesterday we said goodnight to Natsu, so I was lonely...
I tried my best as Natsu's replacement for MC but how was I?!
Thank you for all the presents and letters
I will treat them all with great care
I read all of the letters thoroughly
Drawings of me as a cartoon character....
Portraits of me...
Lately I've been thinking that
All of the people that write me letters are really talented!
I can't draw so...
I'm super glad(〃ω〃)ノ
My collection is growing!
Sunday is the Tokyo Idol Festival
I'm doing my best so
Please cheer for me
It isn't here for another 4 days but
I'm already really excited
Well Bye-bye
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