Monday, February 25, 2013

Age 15 (Fifteen) Last♪♪ (Mizuki)

Today I went with Mayama to voice training o(`ω´ )o

But we both had a short day of school, so before voice training we had a lot of free time and had a late lunch together. (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

I had fresh pasta. 

My tummy got filled up, but we still had left over time so we went to karaoke!

I guess we're kind of weird for going to karaoke before voice training (lol), but we sung for a good 2 hours (*´`*)

We talked about a lot things and it was fun, so it was refreshing.

After that was voice training.

I'll work my hardest, too!

I was with Mayama all day today, but the only picture I took was of pasta!←

So I will say sorry with this picture from another day.


Today when I was with my childhood friend from kindergarten at school, I said 

"My birthday is today~☆
Did you know? Will you congratulate me?"

So she said

"I know, but do you want me to congratulate you again?
How many times have I congratulated you already?"

That's...( ̄▽ ̄)

Well we've been friends for a long time, so it's probably been about 10 times, but..(つД`)ノ

We used to always fight, but now they're good memories.

I'm almost 16 years old ❤❤

So fast, so fast.

I want to update the blog at exactly midnight, so this will be my last entry as a 15 year old (`・ω・´)

Farewell, "Yume Miru 15sai" (Dreaming 15 year old)

Bye Bye☆彡

I have a test next week (;_;)(;_;)
I'll study... 

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