Thanks for coming to our live in Odaiba
Wasn't it fun?
How were our new 3 songs?
In "Motto Hashire!!!" I'm a broadcast committee member.
There's even a committee for that in Ebichu
In "Uretai Emotion!" we wore cat ears
My personality isn't idol-like, so I was really embarrassed!
They're really out of character for me, aren't they...
I can't wear a pony tail with cat ears, I wonder if I can go back to wearing a pony tail again
"Eien ni Chuugakusei" is a cute and sweet song
Reina wasn't at the second show 
At that time, it was really amazing how we were able to help each other. 
We all did our best to fill in the gap
Reina's not being there was a big obstacle, but were you all able to have fun anyhow?
Next up is our One Man Live, I think that we're going to have a blast with everyone 
Well, yesterday and today was the art festival. 
The hurricane yesterday was really bad, wasn't it? 
Is everyone okay?
My mom hurt her back so I ended up helping her for the day 
I had fun helping to make katsudon for dinner 
I'm with my friends from school at a really fun place 
It's really famous, do you know where we are?
I'm going to go on tons of rides! 

↑Bye bye☆
From Hirono
Original Post: http://ameblo.jp/shirituebichu/entry-11025956969.html
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