wo higashimatsu nooo♪
When I had realized that mistake, I was really glad
This is Rinanan(^0^)/
Thanks for coming to Sunday's Inzai live, everyone!(^0^)/
Thank you for being in the rain
But midway I started to feel sick(>_<)
After the first performance ended, I slept in the dressing room and got better
Thank you for being concerned about me
Also, today is Reina's birthday
Her red dress was really cute and suited her well
On the 27th and 28th is the Tokyo Idol Festival at Odaiba
It's the last event of the summer
I'll be enthusiastic and do my best!☆
Speaking of the end of summer...
Today is the last day of summer vacation(>_<)
I'm finishing up my homework(T_T)
I can't get Wani to Shampoo out of my head
I won't be finished until the evening
I'll do my best on my homework!(>_<)
Original Post: http://ameblo.jp/shirituebichu/entry-10996098932.html
I had no idea Rinanan was her nickname! That is so cute! <3